Why You Should Test

Why You Should Test

Soil Fertility Testing

Informed decisions about your soil nutrient levels will give you more control over your fields, resulting in faster crop emergence, healthier crops, and higher yields.

Manure & Compost Testing

Proper farm and soil management practices start with testing your soil amendments, such as compost and manure. This will help ensure you are applying at proper rates, improving crop yields and optimizing the potential of manure nutrients.

Feed Testing

Forming a complete nutrition plan from feed testing will help in maintaining animal health, diagnosing health concerns, and improve your bottom line.

Tissue Testing

Monitoring crop growth through tissue testing will assist in understanding nutrient uptake by plants. Analyzing tissues along with soil samples will give you a complete picture of the soil nutrient cycle and help you reach your yield goals. Plant tissue testing identifies the nutrient levels within the plant at the time of collection. These nutrients are vital for the plant's growth. Once nutrient deficiencies or toxicities can be determined, corrective actions can be taken. Some of the factors that can influence the nutrient levels within the plants are: soil compaction, soil moisture, soil fertility levels, soil temperature and more. Plant tissue testing is a great way to get a snapshot picture of where your plant is at in the growing phase.

Water Quality Testing

Bring in your water samples to monitor for quality changes in order to diagnose and prevent future health concerns.